Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What I love this week :).

Hi all <3. 
Apologies its taken me a week to write here in this little space. I'm so busy at the moment learning to be a drama facilitator and doing rehearsals, seeing friends etc that I often don't think about writing to you my blog readers (terrible me!!), so really apologise.

So going to share with you some things I am loving this week:

1. Jessie J acoustic videos: 

Jessie is amazing isn't she? Beautiful voice...and I love it when she strips the music back..

2. New Girl- comedy show with Zooey Deschanel, as Jess - a girl who leaves her ex boyfriend and moves in with 3 guys. I find that I actually laugh out loud at it!! It includes such gems as the douchebag jar, funny dancing and more.... Go and watch :)

  (image: blogs.whatsontv.co.uk)

(image: blogs.coventrytelegraph.net)

(image: blog.tvguide.co.uk)

Have a fab week!! What are you loving?

Sunday, 15 January 2012

On Dreams and Inspiration...

Hi everyone! Today I'm in such a dreaming mood and so thought I'd find some beautiful images to reflect this. Remember, never stop dreaming...

images: (rebeccalouiselobb.com, visualize.us, weheartit.com)

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Picture of the day

This is one of my favourite pieces of art work. I originally found it on my friend Kim's blog and don't even know the artist, but its so beautiful. Hope you like. xx 

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Happiness Wednesday: Musical sounds.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Over the summer, I wrote a series of blog posts called Happiness Wednesday: about all kinds of personal issues people may go through- anxiety, insecurity, positive thinking/ depressive thoughts and how they can be combatted. Today however, I simply want to share a piece of music that speaks to my heart, its so beautiful. Its by a 15 year old british artist called Birdy and is breathtaking.

Hope you enjoy (and no I can't believe that a 15 year old could write this song either!)

Happy Wednesday xo 

Monday, 9 January 2012

Inspired by Zooey.

(image: accesshollywood.com)

Yesterday I watched 500 days of Summer for the first time, which as well as being just such a cute, funny film ... totally inspired me. And who was it that did so?... the wonderful actress/ singer Zooey Deschanel. I love her 1960s hair cut with the fringe (bangs for you americans reading), and her wardrobe. Just so kooky yet wearable!

(image: londonnet.co.uk)

(image: http://www.cleveland.com/sun/intermission/index.ssf/2009/07/500_days_of_summer_has_zooey_d.html)

(image: velvethoney.blogspot.com)

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