Wednesday 19 December 2012

Being inspired, an email and a wedding.

Hello everyone,

Sorry its taken me longer than usual to write. I had my cousins wedding on Monday which was absolutely magical! It was a religious Jewish wedding and they are always lots of fun, with amazing dancing. Really enjoyed it and so happy for my cousin and his wife.

I wanted to share something that happened to me today, which has inspired me quite a bit.   

I got a lovely email from a blog reader, to say I am a very talented writer and do I write professionally? My blog also (insanely but amazingly) inspired them to give money to charity.

I love to write, it is always something that I have been good at, but I havn't had the confidence to put pen to paper and write a story. I really want something that could connect with people, move people, make people think.

So far I have a few ideas about either writing a story about depression and love...

Any ideas friends?

With love xxxxxxx 


  1. Wow Eleanor what an inspiring email that must have been! I can see why they would say that though. Your blog is incredibly inspiring and uplifting :)


  2. How beautiful! Inspiration is so wonderful. I say sit down and listen to your heart, let it tell you the story to write. Happy writing xx


Thanks for leaving your lovely thoughts here! I appreciate every single comment. Lots of Love xx

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