Sunday 19 June 2011

Laughter is..

'Always laugh when you can. It is the cheapest medicine' Lord Byron

A wonderful friend of mine bought me a book called 'Keep Calm and Carry On' about a year ago. The quote above is from that book and I think it is so true. In our journey through life, we must find time to laugh. Whether it's at a commercial, or sweet babies pulling faces at you in a cafe, or at a silly joke your dad or friend has told, or even at something the guy on the radio said while you were washing up dishes (my worst chore!). Laughter truly is the best medicine.

What's been making you smile? 

I got my first blog review by a lovely friend and blogger called Chas. You can see it above. That made me smile!


Ps.... I got to eat my raspberries! We went to my grandparents for dinner on friday night and I had some for dessert with home-picked redcurrants and strawberries :). Its the little things that matter after all. 

(image: google)


  1. Great quote! And so true, laughter really does make the world seem so much brighter. I always go to 'damn you autocorrect' when I need a pick-me-up :)

  2. So true! Even when I'm having the worst day, I can put on a funny show, or hang out with my funny friends, and all of a sudden my day has turned around!

    Your blog is so adorable and cheerful! :) I am your newest follower!


  3. This is so true. I try to have a moment like this everyday. Life is just way to short to waste mopping around and sulking.

  4. Laughing definitely makes life sweeter. I love walking away from being with friends or family or even at work with a big smile on my face. Today my new red dress is making me happy!


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